Neck Pain Chiropractic
Woodbury Neck Pain Relief
Chronic neck pain can be one of the most painful and frustrating ailments to deal with on a daily basis. The neck is both the most flexible and vulnerable part of your spine. If you think of your head as roughly the weight of a bowling ball, imagine how much strain and pressure is constantly on the muscles and nerves in your neck holding your head up all day!
Typically when you have balanced posture and your nerves are free from any irritation you won’t experience neck pain. However, if you begin to lose your balanced posture by hunching your shoulders or irritate the muscles and nerves in your shoulders you’ll likely develop neck pain.
Our Approach
Poor Posture
Whiplash Injuries
Neck pain from whiplash injuries due to a sports injury, car accident injury or other type of injury can severely shift the neck vertebrae out of alignment. Neck pain as well as headaches and stiffness can occur due to these injuries. Our Woodbury chiropractor will offer spinal adjustments coupled with therapeutic exercises to heal soft tissue injuries and relieve your neck pain, while also working to restore full range of motion.
Neck Pain Diagnosis & Treatment
If you’re experiencing neck pain, it’s best to contact Cornerstone Chiropractic immediately to see a Chiropractor. We’ll schedule a time for you to have a full assessment to determine the answers to important questions such as:
- When did the neck pain start?
- What activities were you engaged in prior to the pain?
- Does the pain travel to other parts of your body?
- What causes the pain to become worse or better?
- Have you tried anything to ease the neck pain?
After a comprehensive assessment, our chiropractic team will develop both short and long-terms plan to deal with your neck pain.