What Should I Expect?

I’m new to Chiropractic and what should I expect? Good question! At Cornerstone Chiropractic, we are committed to helping families reach their optimal health potential through principal, neurological chiropractic care. We specialize in Torque Release Technique, one of the most scientifically researched techniques in chiropractic today. It is very gentle and works for people of all ages!

During your initial appointment, Dr. Tyler (meet Dr. Tyler here) will start by going over your health history and what your main concerns are. We want to understand symptoms that may be holding you back from your daily tasks. Chiropractic can help with so much more than just back and neck pain! We want you to get the most out of care at Cornerstone Chiropractic. We also want you to feel completely comfortable so bring any questions you may have about chiropractic, your insurance, etc… Once we have established your goals for your chiropractic care, Dr. Tyler will then take all the necessary scans and x-rays to determine the most effective care plan.

On your next visit, Dr. Tyler will present the report of findings, offer recommendations, answer additional questions, and determine a corrective care plan that is right for you! You will then receive your first adjustment. At our Woodbury office, we use a unique, safe method known as Torque Release. This technique pinpoints the exact point of nerve interference and administers a gentle adjustment. This adjustment realigns the spine and takes pressure of the nerve, allowing your body to heal naturally. It is great for people of all ages! Check out patient testimonials here!

These initial appointments are short and can fit into your busy schedule. They last anywhere from 25-40 minutes depending on how many questions you may have (we love answering them)! Have additional questions about our office or chiropractic care? Call Cornerstone Chiropractic at 651-207-6182!